Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dugout song

i think that my dugout song would be "Where you at" by lil wayne

The supernatural

They do exist!! I know for a fact that the supernatural do exist because one time my uncle got scared in his own house when he was by himself and there was anyone else in the house with him, none of cousins, or their dog, and he almost made the poop in his pants because he was scared out of his mind lol

Mai dj name?

My dj name would probably be Dj Juan2Step because Mr. Markos always calls me Juan 2 step

Teh moon

So where do I start wit teh moon...? hmmm.....
Well it's a big round ice ball that travels around the earth. I would like to live on the moon I heard that it looks like cheese so i might take some crackers and eat it! lol.. I hope I see some little martians and party with them. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The word "meh"

So according to dictionary. com the meaning of the word meh is and expression of apathy or indifference.. meh sounds right to me

Upcoming movie

Here is a list of upcoming movies

Friday, May 28, 2010

I need another yab

So according to me parents I need another yab, and they are correct I do need another yab because I am getting tired of being home all day. So if anyone knows of a place that is hiring right now please let me know it will be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And the winner is.....

The winner is.....

This book dat im reading

I am currently reading a book dat is called the complete idiots guide to customizing your ride. I just noticed that I insulted my self when saw the name of the book. It has some good tips for people who want to modify their rides without breaking bank, it also tells you how to manage your time and your money. The part that is catching my attention right now it the section bout sound systems and how your car show what kind of person you are.

The Car I might get

Check out this car I want to get soon. 
It's a 1985 black Jaguar XJ6, it is under 97 thousand miles on the odometer i think.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top Ten Things I like

  1. Old school cars
  2. Fixin Cars
  3. Playin Football
  4. Putting sound systems in cars
  5. Putting new rims on cars
  6. Drawin graffiti
  7. Workin
  8. Smokin
  9. Chillin wit ma cousins
  10. Music

Summer Plans

the things dat i plan to dis summer are:
  1. Work
  2. Go ta summer school
  3. Buy another car
  4. Go on a road trip to Flint Michigan
  5. Get ma license
  6. Not get arrested
  7. Chill wit ma cousins all day
  8. Have a pool party every day

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Childhood heros

If I remember correctly i think my childhood heros were probably
  1. Batman
  2. Spiderman
  3. Superman
  4. Robin Hood

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chuck Norris Joke

Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer; too bad he has never cried.

Chuck Norris was originally considered for the part of Jesus in the Passion of the Christ. However, the director realized that Chuck Norris cannot show the emotion of pain. He can only inflict it.

Aliens do exist. They're just waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they attack.   

Monday, May 17, 2010

Top Ten Things I want To Learn Bout

  1. Alaska
  2. Gangs
  3. Cars
  4. Sound Systems
  5. Sports
  6. Rims
  7. Drug Cartels
  8. Music
  9. Politics
  10. Graffiti